
Step 2: Report It

Why Reporting Matters

Bridget Truxillo, a seasoned advocate for workplace rights, emphasizes the pivotal role reporting plays in addressing workplace injustices. She highlights three significant reasons why reporting is paramount:

1. Visibility and Acknowledgment:

Your voice matters. By reporting incidents, you bring visibility to the issue, ensuring that decision-makers are aware of what's happening to you. As Bridget emphasizes, "How will they know what's happening to you if you're not reporting it?" Your silence can inadvertently perpetuate the cycle of abuse, hindering the activation of your rights and protections.

2. Triggering Action:

Reporting serves as a catalyst for action. While the response from your employer or agency may vary, initiating the reporting process is essential. It sets in motion a chain of events that could lead to resolution. Bridget underscores, "The important part is that you report it so that it does trigger action."

3. Legal Implications:

Failure to report can have detrimental consequences in potential legal proceedings. Regulatory bodies like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) may inquire about prior reporting. Your diligence in reporting strengthens your position and ensures accountability.

How to Report Effectively

Bridget provides practical guidance on the reporting process:

1. Dual Reporting Channels:

It's imperative to report through multiple channels. Notify HR and your chain of command simultaneously. This dual approach ensures that pertinent parties are informed, minimizing the risk of oversight or dismissal.

2. Navigating the Process:

Unsure about what to say or whom to approach? Bridget offers her expertise through consultations. Visit to schedule a call and receive personalized assistance in navigating the reporting process.

In conclusion, reporting is not just a step; it's a stance against injustice. Your courage to speak up paves the way for a safer and more equitable workplace environment. Remember, your voice holds power—use it to advocate for yourself!

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